The Materials Innovation Factory is a new materials science research facility created by the University of Liverpool in partnership with Unilever and the Higher Education Funding Council for England.
It provides world-leading, multi-disciplinary research expertise, unparalleled facilities and dynamic support infrastructure that can revolutionise research and development. It's a highly ambitious project. By 2020, MIF aims to be the world leader in Computer Aided Material Science.
To help them explain what they are and what they offer, Mocha approached us to make a film to visualise these concepts. Created in partnership with Sydney studio Supernaut.
My role was director and animator, as well as handling production in Australia. Full credits below:
Agency - Mocha
Executive Producer: Phil Halpin
Copywriter: Steve Lalley
Voice: Sara Mendes da Costa
Directed by: Matthew Roberts and Supernaut
Creative Director: Paul Ducco
Design: Paul Ducco
Animation: Matthew Roberts
Sound Design: Steve Hessell / 20Below